Same on all counts here. It's odd that we can do this though - publicly claiming an addiction to something without much shame or worry. I guess that's why I think we're not taking it as seriously as we should. Perhaps we don't yet fully appreciate the gravity of the threat this poses to our well-being.
yes to the addiction, not really to the worries and putting it away at night to read a book as my semi-solution
Same on all counts here. It's odd that we can do this though - publicly claiming an addiction to something without much shame or worry. I guess that's why I think we're not taking it as seriously as we should. Perhaps we don't yet fully appreciate the gravity of the threat this poses to our well-being.
Maybe it's a bit of a cost benefit analysis: phone brings a lot, but we don't perceive the addiction as very hurtful. Yet.
Yet indeed!
Loved the fact that you quoted Frank Herbert!
Yes! I just started reading Dune yesterday and that brilliant little excerpt jumped right out at me ❤️